Encouraging Your Exchange Student to Get Involved

Written by Lily Vesel | Sep 13, 2024 1:57:01 PM

Hosting an exchange student is a rewarding experience that can enrich both your and your exchange student’s lives. Encouraging your exchange student to get involved in their new community will make this an even more fulfilling experience for them. Being active in the local community helps your student build connections, improve their language skills, and feel more at home. Keeping busy may even help them feel less homesick! Here are some tips on supporting your exchange student in becoming more engaged in the local community.


Explore Extracurricular Activities Together

Learn about what extracurricular activities your student’s school offers. Chances are, some of them will align with your student’s interests. Does your student like dance? Maybe their school has a dance group! Schools usually offer a wide range of clubs, sports teams, and other after-school activities, so encourage them to try new things, even if they’ve never done them before. Extracurricular activities are an excellent way for them to develop new interests and connect with their peers.

If they seem nervous about signing up for something new, consider speaking with their team coach or whoever is in charge of the activity to see if they can help your exchange student feel welcome in their new group. Consider attending a school event with them to help them feel more comfortable as they explore their options.


Find Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is an engaging way for your exchange student to connect with new people while giving back to the local community. Some organizations that are often eager for volunteers include food pantries, animal shelters, community centers, and nursing homes. It can be overwhelming for your student to find organizations to volunteer at, so help them get started by making a list of local places that offer volunteer opportunities. Then, you can narrow down the list together based on their interests. They will feel a sense of accomplishment knowing they are helping their new community!


Encourage Cultural Sharing

Getting involved is also a way for your exchange student to share their culture! Consider taking them to visit local elementary or middle schools where they can share their culture with younger students. Create opportunities for them to showcase their home country’s traditions and cuisine. For example, hosting a cultural evening where your students can cook a traditional dish for a potluck is a fun way for them to connect with new people and share their culture.


 Promote Social Opportunities

Attending social events is a great way for your exchange student to meet new people and practice their language skills. It can be intimidating at first, especially if they are shy or if communicating in English is challenging for them. Start small by hosting a small gathering at your home and inviting neighbors or classmates to help them socialize in a relaxed environment. Once they feel more comfortable in their new community, encourage them to take baby steps on their own, like attending events with friends or joining smaller groups. This will help them feel more connected with others and feel less lonely as they adjust to their new home away from home.


Be Supportive and Understanding 

A critical part of your role as a host parent is supporting your exchange student and providing an environment that encourages open communication. By showing them that you are attentive to their needs and open to questions, you’ll encourage them to share their interests. Over time, you’ll develop a close bond with them. This will help you find activities that are a good fit for their personality and interests!

By actively participating in their new community, your exchange student will feel at home in no time! They’ll connect with new people while improving their language skills and feeling like they belong. As a host parent, you have the opportunity to provide your exchange student with the support they need to fully immerse themselves in their new community. Your support and encouragement will give them the confidence to try new things and to open 
themselves up to new experiences.