
Spice Up Your Life!

Are you tired of your routine? Hosting an exchange student is one way to spice up your life! Here are just a few of the many ways it works.

Cultural Exchange

Learning About a New Culture

students from around the world with flags in background

Every day is a chance to learn more about your student's culture. What is polite in their culture? What is rude? What is normal? What is strange? It's different in every country. And this is just the tip of the culture iceberg. 


Language Skills

heart shaped word cloud with thank you in many languages

Your student can bring a foreign language to life right in the heart of your very own home. Ask for a new word or phrase every day. And explore the many ways language shapes our world view.


Personal Growth

Increased Empathy and Understanding

two sets of hands embracing to show empathy

What is culture anyway? A simple definition is "different ways of thinking, feeling and acting that are shared by a group and passed down from generation to generation". You can boost your levels of empathy by seeking to understand how people in your student's culture think, feel and act.


Enhanced Communication Skills

two people sitting and holding speech bubbles

As you live with your student you will learn to break through language and cultural barriers. This will simultaneously boost your general communication skills.


Educational Opportunities

Global Awareness

stack of several newspapers

Can you think of a better way to become more aware of global issues and different ways of life than living with someone from another culture? Prepare to develop a more informed worldview day by day.


Shared Learning Experiences

father and two daughters looking through telescope at landscape

Your student will be excited to learn about American culture. This will give you so many opportunities to appreciate things you have come to take for granted. 


Family Bonding

Strengthening Family Bonds

game night sign with playing cards around it

Hosting an exchange student is a family project. Everyone gets work together to  welcome the student into your home, sharing favorite activities and traditions.


Creating New Traditions

chinese new year foods and traditions

How might your student's culture affect your family traditions? The only way to find out is to host a student of your own. Discover how pleasantly contagious culture can be!


Expanding Your Social Network

Building International Friendships

passport full of stamps

Many hosting experiences lead to lifelong friendship. Some host families even travel to visit their students and meet the extended families around the world. This is one very zesty spice to add to your life.


Community Engagement

group of people doing a group high five

Your student can get your whole family more connected with your local and international communities. This can happen as you get to know other host families, support your student's extracurricular events or sign up to volunteer for good causes together.


Fun and Adventure

Exploring Your Own Area

gps map with phone and location icons

Your local area is probably much more interesting than you give it credit for. How many sights have you still not explored? How many activities and events might you discover? Hosting a student is a good excuse to get out there and explore!


Sharing Interests

people holding up hobby items against a white background

Sharing hobbies can be a highlight of hosting an exchange student. It's fun to learn new (and perhaps unusual) skills from your student. And it's rewarding to share your own favorite hobbies with someone new.


Making a Positive Impact

Mentoring and Guidance

someone holding out their hands to invite help or support

You will take on a fresh, new role the moment your student walks into your life. You will be a mentor who can explain so many puzzling aspects of everyday life (that you take for granted as "normal") in the USA.


Contributing to Global Understanding

two young people shaking hands

How would each member of your family like to become a Citizen Ambassador? This is what happens when you sign up to host a student who will attend a public high school on a J1 visa. Prepare to play a role in US foreign policy by fostering greater understanding, goodwill and peace in the world.


Lifelong Memories

Creating Shared Memories

mother and daughter looking through photo album

You spice up your life as you make a conscious effort to create memories together with friends, family, coworkers and more. Your foreign exchange student will multiply the opportunities to make your life more memorable than ever


Legacy of Kindness

dog looking up from welcome mat

Hosting is an act of kindness. As you open your home, you open your heart...and the door to a lasting legacy of generosity and hospitality. This will impact your student for the rest of their life.

Right now, there is a high school student waiting for you somewhere in the world. Your student is dreaming of an authentic American experience. It's an experience that will enrich both of your lives immensely.

So. What are you waiting for?

Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Youth Exchange, Host an exchange student, Reasons to host, cultural understanding, Learn a language, Making Friends, Family Fun

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