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In an increasingly interconnected world, the opportunity to explore different cultures is more accessible than ever. Whether...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Host an exchange student, cultural understanding

How can you prepare to host a student from Spain? Take a whirlwind tour of Spanish culture from the perspective of a teenager. If...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange

I was a previous ICES host mom, so when ICES asked for coordinators to help place exchange students with host families, I didn’t...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

As the summer sun warms the earth and beckons us outdoors, there's no better time to indulge in the vibrant flavors of the...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, International Cooking

Now, more than ever, we are looking for ways to bring unity, peace, and understanding to our world.  Hosting an exchange student...

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Tags: Welcome Family, Host Families, Cultural Exchange,

You’ve settled on a study abroad program and just wrapped your head around how far you’ll be from home for the next few months or...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that profoundly impacts your perspective on life, culture, and the rest of the...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Outbound,

Getting to know your exchange student before their arrival can help make the adjustment period as smooth as possible. ...

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Tags: Welcome Family, Host Families, Cultural Exchange,

I am going to describe to you one basic day in my life as an American student. I hope you will enjoy it!

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Student Experience

Selecting your new exchange student is an enjoyable and exhilarating process! As you explore the options, take a moment to...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, cultural understanding, Asian Culture

Hosting an exchange student is more than just providing room and board; it's a journey of mutual enrichment, understanding, and...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

Adapting to a new culture is a complex process. It can be exciting, but also overwhelming and intimidating at times. How you can...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, cultural understanding, cultural immersion

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