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So, you’re heading abroad for the adventure of a lifetime—exciting! You’ve got your passport, your visa (hopefully), and your...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Study Abroad,

You’ve settled on a study abroad program and just wrapped your head around how far you’ll be from home for the next few months or...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that profoundly impacts your perspective on life, culture, and the rest of the...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Outbound,

My year abroad in Spain was supposed to be the big adventure of my life. After that, I planned to settle down in my comfort zone:...

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Tags: Study Abroad

Hey there, future globe-trotter! Ever dreamt of breaking free from the regular high school routine, choosing your dream...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Study Abroad, Youth Exchange

We all get slightly different versions of the same lecture in high school about planning for college, which is so so important!...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Study Abroad, Youth Exchange

While most 16-year olds were shopping for school supplies, Shelby Balmer was packing her bags and boarding a flight to Oslo,...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Study Abroad

Everyone knows that deciding to study abroad in high school is a big decision. However, what some people don’t realize is that...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Study Abroad, Youth Exchange

Every exchange student knows the feeling of anticipation while waiting for a host family, and the excitement and nervousness of...

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Tags: Host Families, Exchange Student, Study Abroad,

When I decided to travel to Muscat, Oman at age 15 or spend my senior year of high school in southern Germany, I never paused to...

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Tags: Exchange Student, Study Abroad, Youth Exchange

By Kari Owens On December 10, 2021

November Student of the Month

Leonie Laffitte has been selected as the ICES Student of the Month for November. Leonie is from Castres, France and is living...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Student of the Month, Study Abroad

It’s hard to believe that Katie Schlagel is only 18 years old. International youth exchange has made her particularly wise about...

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Tags: Host Families, Exchange Student, Study Abroad

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