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By ICES On September 1, 2023

How To Be an Awesome Host Family

Hosting an exchange student is not just a mind-blowing and eye-opening experience, but also a chance to level up and grow...

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Tags: Host Families, Host an exchange student, cultural understanding

Hosting an exchange student can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but there are often misconceptions that prevent people...

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Tags: Host Families, Youth Exchange, Host an exchange student,

Have you already gotten matched with an exchange student arriving this fall? Are you looking for ways to connect with your...

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Tags: Holidays, Youth Exchange, cultural understanding

At ICES, we spend each day working to bring people from different countries and cultures together to make a better world for us...

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Tags: Scholarships, cultural understanding, Think global act local

What might your typical American life look like through the eyes of a student from France? In this month’s survey, we discovered...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Host an exchange student,

What do you get when 125 coordinators from across the country join two dozen international agents from around the world? It’s the...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange, cultural understanding,

For such a young country, the United States has become home to innovative technology, people of various backgrounds, sports teams...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange, Host an exchange student,

We use it every day, often without even noticing! Slang is an integral part of everyday English and is a great way to help your...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, cultural understanding

Mark your calendars! Chinese New Year is just around the corner. 

Why learn about Chinese New Year? This holiday is celebrated by...

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Tags: Holidays, cultural understanding, cultural immersion

What can Polish students teach us about our American culture? Plenty! What surprises them? What are their own particular culture...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Host an exchange student,

Summertime is finally here. 

As the weather warms up, our sleeves roll up in preparation for another legendary 4th of July...

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Tags: Holidays, cultural understanding, American values

If you’ve ever been the new kid at school, you can probably recall those first few days: Not knowing which teacher was the...

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Tags: Student Support, Exchange Student, Youth Exchange,

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