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How does knowing people from other countries and cultures make our lives better?

That's the question we asked high school...

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Tags: Scholarships, cultural understanding

The moment we’ve all been waiting for has almost arrived. 

We’ve been yelling at the TV for months watching the games. We’ve been...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, cultural understanding,

By ICES On April 27, 2021

Meet Our Scholarship Winners!

We are pleased to introduce this year's scholarship winners and share their winning essays. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders,...

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Tags: Scholarships, cultural understanding

Any parent of a rambunctious toddler will tell you that their child's favorite word is "mine". Lacking the conceptual knowledge...

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Tags: Scholarships, cultural understanding

Are you a fan of all things Italian? You might love to host a student from Italy, but read this first!

Every year hundreds of...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, cultural understanding

Is hosting an exchange student a good way to make a friend in Korea? Definitely! But do look before you leap...

Jasmine (2nd from...

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Tags: Host an exchange student, Reasons to host, cultural understanding

Sometimes love is found in the most unexpected places. We at ICES hear about students' and host families’ wonderful,...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

There’s a difference between learning a language and acquiring a language–in a natural way:

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Tags: Exchange Student, Study Abroad, Travel,

I love to ask foreigners what they think of Americans. But how can we get them to tell us what they’re really thinking? Here are...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Travel,

When my oldest daughter was just two months old, my Spanish husband and I liquidated our life in Seattle and moved to Spain with...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

By ICES On May 26, 2020

ICES Video Contest Winners

New language. New foods. New customs. New family. New friends. New hobbies. For an exchange student, the list of new experiences...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Study Abroad,

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