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Cassandra Ross and her husband were expecting to host Kim, a lovely exchange student from Germany when… the unexpected happened....
Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange,
For our exchange students, spring is the time to reflect back on their exchange: the experiences, adventures, and life lessons....
Tags: Cultural Exchange, Study Abroad, videocontest,
Cooking. Cleaning. Driving. Advising. Comforting. Cheering. Protecting. Host moms do a lot! We have the deepest admiration and...
Tags: Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange, Host mom,
Every year hundreds of...
Around the world gift-giving traditions vary on special occasions of all kinds. Who gives gifts to whom? When? How should a gift...
ICES is pleased to announce that Cailin Valtink has been selected as the ICES Student of the Month for December. Cailin is from...
Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Student of the Month
It all began as an experiment: what would German exchange students like to make or bake for their American host families?
2020 has been different from any other year we can remember. From toilet paper shortages to murder hornets to COVID-19 and social...
From my ICES lookout post in Europe, I’m scanning the news: what’s happening with student exchange? Is anyone going to don a mask...
Sometimes love is found in the most unexpected places. We at ICES hear about students' and host families’ wonderful,...
The 18-year old me spent the summer listening to Spanish lessons on vinyl records, obsessively checking the mailbox for news of...
If you’re the mom of seven kids and your husband travels for work, what do you do? Host an exchange student, of course! While...