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Every year hundreds of foreign exchange students fill the empty nests of veteran parents. Is the experience mutually satisfying? 

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Tags: Host Families, Exchange Student, Host an exchange student

The 18-year old me spent the summer listening to Spanish lessons on vinyl records, obsessively checking the mailbox for news of...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Study Abroad,

When my oldest daughter was just two months old, my Spanish husband and I liquidated our life in Seattle and moved to Spain with...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

By ICES On May 26, 2020

ICES Video Contest Winners

New language. New foods. New customs. New family. New friends. New hobbies. For an exchange student, the list of new experiences...

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Tags: Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student, Study Abroad,

What is a Spanish Omelette? It’s not like an omelette in the USA. So, here’s a hint: it’s called “tortilla de patata” or “potato...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

How many kids do you have? What used to be a straightforward question has become more complicated over the years. I’ve finally...

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Tags: Host Families, Host an exchange student, Host mom,

Branden and Amy Booher hadn’t planned on hosting an exchange student. As a young married couple in their 20’s, it simply wasn’t...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

Can you imagine having all your kids studying abroad right when the coronavirus pandemic breaks out? That’s what happened to me:...

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Tags: Host Families, Cultural Exchange, Exchange Student,

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